Today, we celebrate the feast day of Anaisa Pyé (Anaisa Pie, Anaisa Pie Danto, or Anaisa La Chiquita), the Lwa of love, money, luck and happiness. She represents all the good things in life and loves to shower these gifts upon her children.
Among the most beloved of the spirits of the 21 Divisions, a beautiful, laughing, joyous, flirtatious spirit of love, Anaisa Pyé is a jealous Metresa who demands total devotion.
Anaisa prefers men but serves women. She heals female reproductive disorders. Devotees petition her for enhanced beauty, sensuality, and desirability. She is often considered extremely flirtatious, generous, and playful by her devotees, able to provide for anything a person could request.
However, Anasia resembles a jealous, possessive lover. Meaning, she can be dangerous - you can never leave or abandon her. Anaisa Pyé is an exceptionally generous, responsive spirit with a tremendous number of devotees. She has the capacity to serve many people, but don’t start with her unless you are willing to totally commit to her. She takes disinterest from former devotees very personally.
Anaisa Pye is identified as a mature, beautiful, and blonde woman who likes to decorate, wear perfume and dance. In other words, she is cheerful and flirtatious and enjoys parties, jewelry, and makeup.
Anaisa is synchronized with the child Mary that is learning the Bible with St. Anne.
Feast day: July 26