
Elegua: Orisha of the Crossroads, "Owner" of Ca...
Eleguá is the orisha of crossroads, the "owner" of caminos, roads and paths, chance and uncertainty. Honored in Santería, Espiritismo, Sanse, Winti, Umbanda, Quimbanda, and Candomblé, Elegua is associated with protection,...
Elegua: Orisha of the Crossroads, "Owner" of Ca...
Eleguá is the orisha of crossroads, the "owner" of caminos, roads and paths, chance and uncertainty. Honored in Santería, Espiritismo, Sanse, Winti, Umbanda, Quimbanda, and Candomblé, Elegua is associated with protection,...

St. Catherine of Siena: Mystic and Doctor of th...
Mystic and doctor of the Church, patron of nurses, fire prevention, bodily ills, sick people, and miscarriages.
St. Catherine of Siena: Mystic and Doctor of th...
Mystic and doctor of the Church, patron of nurses, fire prevention, bodily ills, sick people, and miscarriages.