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The House of Ashé

Maman Brigitte Collares Elekes

Maman Brigitte Collares Elekes

Regular price $9.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $9.00 USD
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Maman Brigitte Collares Elekes

Maman Brigitte is the Lwa of life, death, cemeteries, healing, and justice/vengeance. She is the consort of Baron Samedi and a member of the Guede. 

Disguised via syncretism, Maman Brigitte was represented by various saints, usually those depicted with fire or snakes, including Brigid of Kildare and, less frequently, Mary Magdalene.

In Yoruba, Oya is Maman Brigette's equivalent.

These c:ollares are handmade, approximately 16" long, 32" by standard necklace measurement, (pattern dependent). If you would like another length, we are happy to accommodate! Please send us a message with the collar/eleke and your desired length. Please feel free to message us before purchase if you have any other questions.

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