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The House of Ashé

Santa Marta Devotional Candle | Saint Martha Prayer Candle

Santa Marta Devotional Candle | Saint Martha Prayer Candle

Regular price $5.25 USD
Regular price Sale price $5.25 USD
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Santa Marta (Saint Martha) Prayer Candle 



Glorious Saint Martha, humble and obliging servant of Christ, comfort me in grief and afflictions. Intercede for me and for my family that we may always preserve Our Lord in our heart, that our needs may be remedied, especially the one that now afflicts me (make petition). I beg you vanquish my difficulties as you conquered the dragon at your feet. Amen.


Gloriosa Santa Marta, humilde y servicial apacentadora de Cristo, consuelame en mis penas y aflicciones. Intercede por mi y por toda mi familia para que conservemos siempre en nuestros corazones a nuestro Dios, para que sean remediadas nuestras necesidades y en especial esta que ahora me aflige (hagase la peticion). Suplico venzas mis dificultades como vanciste al dragon que tienes a tus pies. Amen.

Approx. 8" tall

Sold as curio, esoteric, religious. 


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